Sunday, November 6, 2011

Final Draft

A home isn't a home unless it is filled with things such as love, care, and someone giving it those qualities. If it does not have them, then its just a place where people and animals can live in and leave. Even though it does not seem like it, people in slums have homes. A slum is a densely populated area marked by crowding, dirty run-down housing, poverty, and social disorganization. These certain homes look like just some large cardboard boxes put together to make a simple 'house'. These people do not look at them that way. To them, it's a place where they live with family, they can sleep in and be nice , and a place where they can see themselves there everyday. Slums are filled with trash and poverty all over the world. The people who live there mostly left where they were to have a better life here at the slums. Because of this, many city populations have been affected by all the people coming from the country to find more jobs and try to better their lives. Slums affect human populations around the world by the unsanitation in them, a limited amount of space for so many people, and the overpopulation in cities. These places and cities where they are located affect the world in their own way. As slums increase in the world, so does the insanitation.

One way slums affect world populations is by the unsanitary conditions within them. The sanitation in slums is close to nothing. The toilet is a plastic bag for them. They do not even have a nice small bathroom because that is how poor they are. There are also sewage streams running through many of the slums, giving off diseases and other unsanitary conditions. “Sanitation systems are nearly absent. Human waste leeches into the water people drink and contaminates the food they eat. It carries typhoid and other diseases that can be deadly, especially to young children.”  This quote shows that because of the major unsanitation within the slums, it can lead to diseases. By causing diseases, it can spread to even bigger and larger cities, and eventually affect populations drastically. A way it can affect populations drastically is by a certain disease found within a slum affecting other cities near it and can result in a spread of death throughout a certain region.  A similar reason to all the unsanitary homes in the slums is the limited space available for large families.

Another way slums can affect the world is by the limited amount of space in the slums. The majority of the families living within the slums are large. Some people have to with their entire family, including brothers, sisters, mom, dad, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. This is a problem because if not everyone has enough space, then they aren't living in healthy conditions.  “She lives here with her with her family, her husband, and her in-laws. All eight of them are crowded into a one-room shack." Prisca Musanga is forced to live with her family and in-laws because of the little space found in slums for huge families such as her own.This quote shows that even though they are family, they are eight people squished into a one room home. Everyone needs their certain amount of space and thier certain needs. By not having enough space in the slums, it affects the large and even small families. Because of the little space in slums, cities’ populations are also increasing.

Because of the little space in slums, cities’ populations are also in creasing. By the cities populations increasing, it attracts more people. The more cities there are, the majority of a handful of people are thinking that there are more jobs. thus, creating more and larger slums. “The vast majority moved to the city seeking better economic prospects and many find them.” The majority of people will go to slums because they are so close to the cities and that they can better their lives.This quote shows that people go to slums because they are so close to cities where there are possible jobs. Since the slums are close to cites, the poor people living in them find jobs and invite the people they know to come and get more jobs. This then creates the overpopulation's in both the slums and the cities. As a result, slums affect the world in many ways.

In conclusion, slums affect the populations in many ways.Slums affect populations by the insanitation , a limited amount of space, and overpopulation in cities. They affect the world by causing disease in the affect of unsanitation, a limited space for homes and people and an overpopulation in cities. The unsanitation in them can cause diseases and other unhealthy causes within the slums. A limited space for families can result in a need for more space and result in creating an even bigger slum. The over populations in cities can cause more jobs to slow and yet rise at the same time, and still attract more poor people to the slums. All these problems lead up to one thing: the slums and the world. When we really think about it, we should ask ourselves, where did the people come from? Do they want to keep living like this? When will the whole world have their eye on them and finally say ' if they need help, we should help them'? All these questions are not yet answered, but by looking at some certain demographics about slums, we can see that sooner rather than later, things will need to be changed. We then will wonder if the people really had a choice to live like that or could they have possibly made it better? this is the question that we will regret asking in the upcoming years.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rough Draft

A home isn't a home unless it is filled with things such as love, care, and someone giving it those qualities. If it does not have them, then its just a place where people and animals can live in and leave. Even though it does not seem like it, people in slums have homes. A slum is a densely populated area marked by crowding, dirty run-down housing, poverty, and social disorganization. These certain homes look like just some large cardboard boxes put together to make a simple 'house'. These people do not look at them that way. To them, it's a place where they live with family, they can sleep in and be nice , and a place where they can see themselves there everyday. Slums are filled with trash and poverty all over the world. The people who live there mostly left where they were to have a better life here at the slums. Because of this, many city populations have been affected by all the people coming from the country to find more jobs and try to better their lives. Slums affect human populations around the world by the unsanitation in them, a limited amount of space for so many people, and the overpopulation in cities. These places and cities where they are located affect the world in their own way. As slums increase in the world, so does the insanitation.

One way slums affect world populations is by the unsanitary conditions within them. The sanitation in slums is close to nothing. The toilet is a plastic bag for them. They do not even have a nice small bathroom because that is how poor they are. There are also sewage streams running through many of the slums, giving off diseases and other unsanitary conditions. “Sanitation systems are nearly absent. Human waste leeches into the water people drink and contaminates the food they eat. It carries typhoid and other diseases that can be deadly, especially to young children.”  This quote shows that because of the major unsanitation within the slums, it can lead to diseases. By causing diseases, it can spread to even bigger and larger cities, and eventually affect populations drastically. A way it can affect populations drastically is by a certain disease found within a slum affecting other cities near it and can result in a spread of death throughout a certain region. A similar reason to all the unsanitary homes in the slums is the limited space available for large families.

Another way slums can affect the world is by the limited amount of space in the slums. The majority of the families living within the slums are large. Some people have to with their entire family, including brothers, sisters, mom, dad, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. This is a problem because if not everyone has enough space, then they aren't living in healthy conditions.  “She lives here with her with her family, her husband, and her in-laws. All eight of them are crowded into a one-room shack." Prisca Musanga is forced to live with her family and in-laws because of the little space found in slums for huge families such as her own.This quote shows that even though they are family, they are eight people squished into a one room home. Everyone needs their certain amount of space and thier certain needs. By not having enough space in the slums, it affects the large and even small families. Because of the little space in slums, cities’ populations are also increasing.

Because of the little space in slums, cities’ populations are also in creasing. By the cities populations increasing, it attracts more people. The more cities there are, the majority of a handful of people are thinking that there are more jobs. thus, creating more and larger slums. “The vast majority moved to the city seeking better economic prospects and many find them.” The majority of people will go to slums because they are so close to the cities and that they can better their lives.This quote shows that people go to slums because they are so close to cities where there are possible jobs. Since the slums are close to cites, the poor people living in them find jobs and invite the people they know to come and get more jobs. This then creates the overpopulation's in both the slums and the cities. As a result, slums affect the world in many ways.

In conclusion, slums affect the populations in many ways.Slums affect populations by the insanitation , a limited amount of space, and overpopulation in cities. They affect the world by causing disease in the affect of unsanitation, a limited space for homes and people and an overpopulation in cities. The unsanitation in them can cause diseases and other unhealthy causes within the slums. A limited space for families can result in a need for more space and result in creating an even bigger slum. The over populations in cities can cause more jobs to slow and yet rise at the same time, and still attract more poor people to the slums. All these problems lead up to one thing: the slums and the world. When we really think about it, we should ask ourselves, where did the people come from? Do they want to keep living like this? When will the whole world have their eye on them and finally say ' if they need help, we should help them'? All these questions are not yet answered, but by looking at some certain demographics about slums, we can see that sooner rather than later, things will need to be changed. We then will wonder if the people really had a choice to live like that or could they have possibly made it better? this is the question that we will regret asking in the upcoming years.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


 A home isn't a home unless it is filled with things such as love, care, and someone giving it those qualities. If it doesn't have them, then its just a place where people and animals can live in and leave. Even though it doesn't seem like it, people in slums have homes.  A slum is a densely populated area marked by crowding, dirty run-down housing, poverty, and social organization. These certain homes look like just some large cardboard boxes put together to make a simple 'house'. These people don't look at them that way. To them, it's a place where they live with family, they can sleep in and be nice , and a place where they can see themselves there everyday. Slums are filled with trash and poverty all over the world. The people who live there mostly left where they were to have a better life here at the slums. Because of this, many city populations have been affected by all the people coming from the country to find more jobs and try to better their lives. Slums affect human populations around the world by the unsanitation in them, a limited amount of space for so many people, and the overpopulation in cities. These places and cities where they are located affect the world in their own way. As slums increase in the world, so does the insanitation.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


   A.   A home isn't a home unless it is filled with things such as love, care, and people living inside of it. 
B.    A slum is a densely populated area marked by crowding, dirty run-down housing, poverty, and social organization.

C.      Slums affect human populations around the world by the unsanitation in them, a limited amount of space for so many people, and the overpopulations in cities.
D.      As slums increase in the world, so does the insanitation in the world.

II.                  Defendable Point one
A.      One way slums affect world populations are by the unsanitary conditions within them.
B.      “Sanitation systems are nearly absent. Human waste leeches into the water people drink and contaminates the food they eat. Itn carries typhoid and other diseases that can be deadly, especially to young children.”
Sanitations in slums is not available. Many sewages pass through them, practically making them huge waste dumps. By this happening, it shows that slums are very unsanitized, which can lead to deadly diseases.
C.      This quote shows that because of the major  unsanitation within the slums, it can lead to diseases. By causing diseases, it can spread to even bigger and larger cities, and eventully affect populations drastically.
D.      A similar reason to all the unsanitary homes in the slums is the limited space available for large families.
III.                Defendable Point Two
A.      Another way slums can affect the world is by the limited amount of space in the slums.
B.      “She lives  here with her with her family, her husband, and her in-laws. All eight of them are crowded into a one-room shack.”                                                                                                       Prisca Musanga is forced to live with her family and in-laws because of the little space found in slums for huge families such as her own.
C.      This quote shows that even thoughb they are family, they are eight people sqished into a one room home.
D.      Because of the little space in slums, cities’ populations are also in creasing.
IV.                Defendsble point three
A.      Lastly, one way slums affect populations are the over populations in cities.
B.      “The vast majority moved to the city seeking better economic prospects and many find them.”  The majority of people will go to slums because they are so close to the cities and that they can better their lives.
C.      This quote shows that people go to slums because they are so close to cities where there are possible jobs.
D.      As a result, slums affect the world in many ways.
V.                  Conclusion
A.      IN conclusion, slums affect the populations in many ways.
B.      Slums affect populations by the insanitation , a limited amount of space, and overpopulation in cities.
C.      Slums affect the world by causing disease in the affect of unsanitation, a limited space for  homes and people and an overpopulation in cities. 
WE then wonder do they people really have a choice to live like this or can they make it better?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thesis Statement

    Slums affect human populations around the world by the unsanitation in them, a limited amount of space for so many people, and the over populations in cities.