Wednesday, October 19, 2011


   A.   A home isn't a home unless it is filled with things such as love, care, and people living inside of it. 
B.    A slum is a densely populated area marked by crowding, dirty run-down housing, poverty, and social organization.

C.      Slums affect human populations around the world by the unsanitation in them, a limited amount of space for so many people, and the overpopulations in cities.
D.      As slums increase in the world, so does the insanitation in the world.

II.                  Defendable Point one
A.      One way slums affect world populations are by the unsanitary conditions within them.
B.      “Sanitation systems are nearly absent. Human waste leeches into the water people drink and contaminates the food they eat. Itn carries typhoid and other diseases that can be deadly, especially to young children.”
Sanitations in slums is not available. Many sewages pass through them, practically making them huge waste dumps. By this happening, it shows that slums are very unsanitized, which can lead to deadly diseases.
C.      This quote shows that because of the major  unsanitation within the slums, it can lead to diseases. By causing diseases, it can spread to even bigger and larger cities, and eventully affect populations drastically.
D.      A similar reason to all the unsanitary homes in the slums is the limited space available for large families.
III.                Defendable Point Two
A.      Another way slums can affect the world is by the limited amount of space in the slums.
B.      “She lives  here with her with her family, her husband, and her in-laws. All eight of them are crowded into a one-room shack.”                                                                                                       Prisca Musanga is forced to live with her family and in-laws because of the little space found in slums for huge families such as her own.
C.      This quote shows that even thoughb they are family, they are eight people sqished into a one room home.
D.      Because of the little space in slums, cities’ populations are also in creasing.
IV.                Defendsble point three
A.      Lastly, one way slums affect populations are the over populations in cities.
B.      “The vast majority moved to the city seeking better economic prospects and many find them.”  The majority of people will go to slums because they are so close to the cities and that they can better their lives.
C.      This quote shows that people go to slums because they are so close to cities where there are possible jobs.
D.      As a result, slums affect the world in many ways.
V.                  Conclusion
A.      IN conclusion, slums affect the populations in many ways.
B.      Slums affect populations by the insanitation , a limited amount of space, and overpopulation in cities.
C.      Slums affect the world by causing disease in the affect of unsanitation, a limited space for  homes and people and an overpopulation in cities. 
WE then wonder do they people really have a choice to live like this or can they make it better?

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