Sunday, October 23, 2011


 A home isn't a home unless it is filled with things such as love, care, and someone giving it those qualities. If it doesn't have them, then its just a place where people and animals can live in and leave. Even though it doesn't seem like it, people in slums have homes.  A slum is a densely populated area marked by crowding, dirty run-down housing, poverty, and social organization. These certain homes look like just some large cardboard boxes put together to make a simple 'house'. These people don't look at them that way. To them, it's a place where they live with family, they can sleep in and be nice , and a place where they can see themselves there everyday. Slums are filled with trash and poverty all over the world. The people who live there mostly left where they were to have a better life here at the slums. Because of this, many city populations have been affected by all the people coming from the country to find more jobs and try to better their lives. Slums affect human populations around the world by the unsanitation in them, a limited amount of space for so many people, and the overpopulation in cities. These places and cities where they are located affect the world in their own way. As slums increase in the world, so does the insanitation.

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